ansible skips roles alphabetically-wise

hello I’m calling roles from a custom location ( /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/some/job/workspace/playbook.yml rather that /etc/ansible path), I’ve exporte ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH env variable

  • dotnet

  • aws-kinesis-agent

  • aws_cli

  • monit

  • nginx

Ansible then executes the following roles: dotnet, aws-kinesis-agent and aws_cli, but skips monit and nginx role. However if I rename monit and nginx roles to something like “amonit” and “anginx”


  • dotnet

  • aws-kinesis-agent

  • aws_cli

  • amonit

  • anginx

Ansible executes them.

Also if I hardcode my roles_path it obviously executes the roles as expected.


  • /path/to/roles/dotnet

  • /path/to/roles/aws-kinesis-agent

  • /path/to/roles/aws_cli

  • /path/to/roles/monit

  • /path/to/roles/nginx

I've never bothered setting ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH and ansible just looks
for roles/ in the same folder
as the playbook.

Just drop the roles/ directory next to the playbook on the jenkins
worker and unset that variable.