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I’m seeing strange behavior in ansible 2.5.5 (on centos 6.10)
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I’m seeing strange behavior in ansible 2.5.5 (on centos 6.10)
The when clause should line up under set_fact. When I indent it properly, that play is skipped as expected. Not sure why the wrongly indented version is not picked up as a syntax error.
Here is the playbook I ran:
I'm seeing strange behavior in ansible 2.5.5 (on centos 6.10)
- debug:
var: fake_fact
- debug:
var: new_fact- set_fact:
new_fact: fake_fact
when: fake_fact is defined
Indentation error, when: is a property for the task.
Here you set a variable called when to the string "fake_fact is defined"
As you can see, fake_fact is undefined, and debug validates that. The when:
clause evaluates to true, and allows new_fact to be set (that's my
problem)..Afterwards, a repeat of the debug on fake_fact still appears undefined.
So I'm not sure if this really a feature that I don't understand, a bug, or
just a user error?
User error.
Thanks for the update and clarification on this !!!