Need some help regarding reading on vars from inventory…
Your inventory looks wrong, I'm not sure if you are going for a 'yaml'
format one?
In any case, accessing variables would just be using the variable
name, for example:
- debug: msg='{{username}}'
but for that to work the file would need to look like this (assuming
you want the vars fro every host in the group):
username: myusername
password: mypassword
Hi Brain,
Thank you. yes I was going for a yaml formatted inventory for this example but I wouldn’t mind even if it is a ini file. I tried as you have mentioned. It gives an an error as failed to connect to host via ssh : permission denied. I actually don’t want to connect to any hosts. what I want is access the username, password variables from inventory rather than passing them as --extra-vars.
is accesing using hostvars[‘hosatname’].username different to this.
Is it possible to access any variable in inventory just only using the variable name ?
II’m trying to create a inventory dynamically base on this.
“group”: {
“hosts”: [
“username” : “myusername”,
“password” : “mypassword”
“_meta”: {
“hostvars”: {
“localhost”: {
“ansible_connection”: “ssh”,
What I’m trying to then is access username ans password variables from playbook yaml file
As i said, accessing the variables is just using them by name.
The problem on 'connection' is that you defined localhost and must
have not set gather_facts: no.
The 'form' of the inventory does not matter as long as it is a valid inventory.