
I am confused by ansible pull:

The example seems indicate that we need to create "workdir" and a "repo_url" variable. Is this correct, or I mis-read that?

When running ansible-pull, I always have to specify both -U and -d. Is this by design? I assumed that this was the point of setting workdir and repo_url...


I believe the steps for ansible-pull are:

1. The repo_url is your git repo containing your playbooks.
2. That repo is cloned to you workdir.
3. ansible-pull starts executing the local.yml found on your workdir.

Here's my example running ansible-pull inside EC2:


Yes this works for me, as long as I specify the location of the git repo and the target directory on the command line. What I was wondering though, is if there is indeed a special purpose for the variable "working_dir" and "repo_url" as given in ansible/examples/plyabooks/ansible_pull.yml?

Especially the repo_url, as it is not re-used anywhere else in the example.

On the example ansible_pull.yml, I think repo_url is used in template.
See /playbooks/templates/etc_cron.d_ansible-pull.j2

I see it now. Thanks.