ansible-pull support for git repo containing submodules?

I can’t seem to figure out if this is supported (if so what am I missing?) or if this just hasn’t come up yet anywhere. I haven’t found many/any scenarios online of anyone experiencing the same issues.

I understand that the git module within ansible now has ‘force’ and ‘recursive’ support, but what about ansible-pull?

I’m trying to use ansible-pull on a particular repo that has a submodule within it, and ansible-pull is choking:

[root@openvm-X04RA0 tmp]# ansible-pull --purge --accept-host-key -i /tmp/hosts --vault-password-file /tmp/vault_pass --private-key /tmp/gitkey -U -d /tmp/ansible-playbook
Starting Ansible Pull at 2016-03-15 17:07:37
/usr/bin/ansible-pull --purge --accept-host-key -i /tmp/hosts --vault-password-file /tmp/vault_pass --private-key /tmp/gitkey -U -d /tmp/ansible-playbook
localhost | FAILED! => {
“changed”: false,
“failed”: true,
“msg”: “Failed to init/update submodules: Submodule ‘roles/common/files/zabbixapi’ ( registered for path ‘roles/common/files/zabbixapi’\nCloning into ‘roles/common/files/zabbixapi’…\nGitLab: The project you were looking for could not be found.\nfatal: Could not read from remote repository.\n\nPlease make sure you have the correct access rights\nand the repository exists.\nClone of ‘’ into submodule path ‘roles/common/files/zabbixapi’ failed\n”

So is this supported, and if so how would I get ansible-pull to do the equivalient of a ‘git clone --recursive …’ ?

If not supported I guess I’d like it to be and will submit a bug/feature request.


Haven’t heard anything back in a few days on this. Should I submit a feature request?