Hey !!
With prompt shell on my linux this command works perfectly :
mail -a “Content-Type: text/html” -s “Ansible deployment HospitalisV3” moi@outlook.com </home/ansible/test_hospi_package/frontoffice/roles/frontoffice/files/mail_content.html
But when i use this next task, there is error with ansible :
- name: “Execut command shell with html”
shell: mail -a “Content-Type: text/html” -s “Ansible deployment HospitalisV3” moi@outlook.com </home/ansible/test_hospi_package/frontoffice/roles/frontoffice/files/mail_content.html
delegate_to: localhost
Error is that ansible not understand “Content-Type: text/html”
Someone can you help me please community Ansible !!!
Best Regards,