Yes, that is how it's supposed to work. The second task is dependent
on the first one, in this case only the first task can be used with
Getting a playbook to work properly with --check can be a tricky task,
you'll have to look at the logic in detail.
If i use this condiiton *when: not ansible_check_mode* i don't can verify
if my task works ...
It's very pity that aspect check mode is not full and strong...
The option "--check" can be only as "full and strong" as is the support of
the modules. If you think you've found an aspect that is "very pity" just
open an issue with the module (ideally submit a pull-request).
Quoting from man ansible-playbook:
-C, --check
don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the changes
that may occur