ansible-playbook --start-at-task="task in some role" still broken in v2 despite #11692 closed

Hi all,

Great news on v2 release, it’s looking awesome! I’ve snagged from PyPI, which gave me v2.0.0.2, and switched over for day to day work, but I now don’t seem to be able to use --start-at-task to start at a task inside a role. Google showed me a closed github issue (#11692) but the symptom is back. I can’t get it to work with just the task name or with a prefix (colon-based or pipe based) - in other words I’ve tried:

  • taskname (this works on v1.9.4)

  • role : taskname

  • role | taskname

My normal use case has the role buried behind a few layers of dependencies but I’ve reproduced the problem with a direct call to a role.

I’d appreciate it if someone could reopen the issue on GitHub.
