ansible playbook permisson error when running command ". oraenv"

ansible playbook permission error when running the command “. oraenv”

Here is the code:

setup new env

  • command: “. /usr/local/bin/oraenv”

Here is the error:

TASK [ansible-oracle-patching : command] ************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “cmd”: “. /usr/local/bin/oraenv”, “msg”: “[Errno 13] Permission denied”, “rc”: 13}

But I can run other commands with elevated privileges

can anybody help please ?

It looks like you are trying to source that file rather than execute it, presumably in order to set environment variables. That probably won’t work, as the environment variables will not survive the death of the shell you ran.

Re the permissions issue: I’m not sure, but you may be attempting to execute “.” (a directory) and that would get you “permission denied”. Not sure how command works, so that might well be BS :slight_smile:

Regards, K.

ok forget about the permission error, I am trying to change my environment to ASM environment with this commands

  2. export ORACLE_SID=+ASM
  3. . oraenv

ASK [ansible-oracle-patching : changing to ASM environment] ****************************************************************************************************
changed: [] => (item=ORAENV_ASK=NO)
changed: [] => (item=export ORACLE_SID=+ASM)
failed: [] (item=. oraenv) => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: “. oraenv”, “delta”: “0:00:00.002241”, “end”: “2018-06-26 11:31:10.927354”, “ite m”: “. oraenv”, “msg”: “non-zero return code”, “rc”: 1, “start”: “2018-06-26 11:31:10.925113”, “stderr”: “/bin/sh: line 0: .: oraenv: file not found”, “stderr_li nes”: [“/bin/sh: line 0: .: oraenv: file not found”], “stdout”: “”, “stdout_lines”: }

Post your whole playbook; it’s hard to tell what’s actually happening.

I don’t think I can help, but if you post everything maybe someone else can.

Regards, K.

You need to specify any environment variables using the ‘environment’ keyword on your command.


In my experience it can be fiddly getting environment set correctly for commands so that you can run things such as sqlplus, which needed several environment variables to be set before it would work.

I wound up setting something like this in my group_vars:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH: ‘/opt/app/oracle/product/db11gR2_1/lib’
ORACLE_BASE: ‘/opt/app/oracle’
TNS_ADMIN: ‘/opt/app/oracle/common/network/admin’
PATH: “{{ ansible_env.PATH}}:/opt/app/oracle/product/db11gR2_1/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:.:/sbin”
ORACLE_HOME: ‘/opt/app/oracle/product/db11gR2_1’

and then using something like the following to run sqlplus.

  • name: test sqlplus
    shell: sqlplus -L {{ oracle_user }}/{{ oracle_cred }}@{{ oracle_host }}/{{ oracle_tns }} @TESTS/Ensure_Connection.sql
    chdir: database_scripts
    executable: /bin/bash
    environment: “{{ oracle_environment }}”
    register: sqlplus_result

  • name: show sqlplus result
    var: sqlplus_result

Hope this helps,


Thank you very much Jon. That helped.