There have been lots of threads about this.
It's something we want to do, but right now our focus is on Linux/Unix.
I'm one of the persons that looked into this. Lately I haven't had any time
to do so.
When we do so, I want to do it in a way that doesn't require installing
extra Python agents on Windows machines, as nearly all Windows admins would
recoil at doing this.
I don't know about that. That depends on many things.
What Windows has is Powershell. Let's just say it isn't my choice. The syntax
hurts my eyes. Ohh, well, Windows isn't even my choice either.
I've yet to encounter someone that likes it, I see that certain Windows admins
are enthousiastic but they aren't programmers, many not even gifted scripters.
From a recent Usenix talk I found online I gather Microsoft is working on adding
some kind of idempotency support. Probably with Powershell on top of that. Implemented
in Powershell to handle a DSL that generates an other intermediate language and
Powershell and other bits below it. This looks like a horrible solution to me,
far to many layers for my taste.
Anyway, so Powershell it is on Windows.
Doing that without an agent means you need code that can connect to Windows
PowerShell Remoting. Not impossible, but there is no implementation in Python
yet that supports Kerberos authentication. There is just one in Ruby, so it
can be done.
Kerberos authentication seems to be the most sane choice, but the Linux/Unix
machine that runs Ansible needs to join the Kerberos Realm as well. Maybe
that part is not all that sane, I haven't yet tried that.
We are still collecting use cases of *what* people want to manage, or
The obvious answer is: everything
whether they are just trying to "check a box", so more detailed use cases
of what you are managing would be welcome.
Doing automation is an investment of time you would rather not have to do to many
times, so support for multiple platforms is not just a checkbox for people. Even
if they won't deploy it from the start on multiple platforms.