This has me tearing my hair out, only because I don’t know how to go about debugging this.
ansible --version
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = Default w/o overrides
(This is current version in EPEL)
Trying to install elasticsearch-2.4.4-1.noarch from the graylog repo. Our system is disconnected from the Internet, so we’ve created our own yum repositories that are properly configured on the clients.
When I log onto my graylog server and do a “yum install elasticsearch”, the package installs correctly. However, I want to run a simple playbook against the server that does the following:
- name: Install ElasticSearch
name: elasticsearch
state: present
update_cache: yes
When I run this playbook, it looks as though the package installs, but checking the server, it doesn’t install a few of the files in the package:
rpm -qa elasticsearch
rpm -V elasticsearch
missing c /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
missing c /etc/elasticsearch/logging.yml
missing c /etc/init.d/elasticsearch
missing c /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch
missing c /usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service
It’s a challenge to me to figure out whether the problem is with Ansible or with the package itself, but I’m not sure what Ansible would be doing different when it runs the yum installation than when it’s installed manually.
Any help in debugging this would be greatly appreciated.
Tom Albrecht III