Ansible needs a new website

The Ansible website does a poor job of quickly explaining what the technology does, who would use it, and why Ansible is better than alternatives.

In my humble opinion! :slight_smile:

I just had a look at the websites for Puppet and Chef. They are terrible too!! That means there is an opportunity to be best…

Here’s some comparables that I think are good:

Thanks for Ansible - I am a huge fan - love the software and want it to be widely adopted.

Feedback like this is more appropriate for


I agree that there’s room for improvement. Any chance on getting the website hosted in github to allow for outside contribution? I’m a fan of 's documentation in particular.

~ Brice

The source for the documentation is already on github, cd into docsite/latest/rst int he checkout.

As for the homepage?

No, not going to do that.