Ansible module for VM workstation to PowerOn & PowerOff

Hello Community members,

I’m using vmware workstation version 15.0.0 on Ubuntu-20.04-LTS machine.

We have deployed VM workstation based Windows-10 machines in that. I want to know which ansible module we can use to PowerOn and PowerOff windows-10 virtual machines from workstation?

I was searching online to find ansible module for the same, However i couldn’t find the ideal document. So please let me know module in ansible? looks like it wraps vmrest.exe which would allow you to control the power state of VMs.

You could also, more crudely, just stop/start using vmrun.exe [stop|suspend|start] <path to .vmx> and wrap that with command/shell/win_powershell.

Okay. Thank you very much. I’ll check it out.