Ansible merge multiple files.

Hello, I have a number of templates that are generated by Ansible but I need them combined into a single file. Is there a way to do this without having to do a shell command "file1 >> newFile.txt"

For example I have 4 files and I need to merge the content from these 4 source files to a single destination file.

File1 > dest.txt
File2 >> dest.txt
File3 >> dest.txt
File4 >> dest.txt

In my case these 4 files were generated by Ansible Templates. Since I have a vars file that is a data dictionary it creates multiple files. From these multiple files I need to merge them into a single file. I looked at lineinfile but I'm not saving a single line but 50 - 100 lines.
Is there a better way to do this other than using shell commands?

tempalate can do this via includes, but you also have the assemble module.

Is there an example of how you might use includes with template?

here are the jinja docs about it:

Assemble worked, thanks for the help.