ansible installation: no /etc/ansible/hosts file

No file for /etc/ansible/hosts

Where is this file? Instructor opened an automatically generated /etc/ansible/hosts file but there is no such file in Mac OSX after ansible is installed?

Am I supposed to create this file myself or it is automatically generated? as I cannot find it on Mac OSX after

$brew install ansible

as well as

$pip install ansible


You have to create it by yourself as pip and brew didn’t create it. I think you even didn’t have /etc/ansible directory.

We don’t bother with the /etc/ansible/hosts file because we installed ansible in a different directory. So we always specify which host file to use in our run. I.e. when in the ansible directory I execute:

ansible-playbook -i <hosts_file> site.yml -vv

What if you want to use another directory for hosts, this is where the ansible.cfg file comes in handy. So where does this file go in MacOSX?

Referenced here in order at what ansible looks for…personally I never use /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg and tend to use a master one in ~/ or ansible.cfg per project directory which specifies other certain criteria I need for my playbook

  • ANSIBLE_CONFIG (environment variable if set)

  • ansible.cfg (in the current directory)

  • ~/.ansible.cfg (in the home directory)

  • /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg