Ansible import playbooks with openstack error

Hi Experts,

Im very new to ansible and trying to set a small project by executing the scripts.
My anisble --version is

Python 2.7.12+
and open stack version is v.3.0

I have a site.yaml file as below

  • import_playbook: repodb.yaml
  • import_playbook: dsm.yaml

Im trying to execute the site.yaml as below

While i do this im getting below error. Please help as Im not sure how to proceed from this.

vagrant@ubuntu:~/deployments/dsm-prod$ sudo su -p -c “ansible-playbook -vvv -i -u cloud-user ~/ansible-playbooks/playbooks/data-server-manager/site.yaml --ask-vault-pass”
Using /home/vagrant/deployments/dsm-prod/ansible.cfg as config file
Vault password:
ERROR! ‘import_playbook’ is not a valid attribute for a Play

The error appears to have been in ‘/home/vagrant/ansible-playbooks/playbooks/data-server-manager/site.yaml’: line 1, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

  • import_playbook: repodb.yaml
    ^ here


Hi Experts,

Im very new to ansible and trying to set a small project by executing the scripts.
My anisble --version is
Python 2.7.12+
and open stack version is v.3.0

I have a site.yaml file as below
- import_playbook: repodb.yaml
- import_playbook: dsm.yaml

Im trying to execute the site.yaml as below

From the deployment folder:

ansible-playbook -i -u cloud-user /path/to/playbook/site.yaml

While i do this im getting below error. Please help as Im not sure how to proceed from this.

Get the right structure for your site.yml - you can't just put tasks into it without hosts and tasks


That is an ancient ansible version and has been EOL for ages.
Since you're just starting to use ansible, please make sure you start
with a new version.