ansible_fqdn only contains the hostname

I’ve been having trouble with this for a while…
On Ubuntu 14.04 (current LTS), the ansible_fqdn variable often only contains the hostname, not the hostname+domainname.

I’ve tried to fix this by having ansible insert a line like this in /etc/hosts, but it didn’t help. {{ inventory_hostname }} {{ ansible_hostname }}
(Which expands to hostname)

Does anyone have other suggestions?

so the fqdn gets set first by trying to do reverse dns, which would
not use that /etc/hosts entry, if that fails it falls back to using
the gethostname function which does not guarantee a fully qualified
domain name.

run 'hostname' on the command line, you should see the same output.

Well I guess the question is: how do I fix it?
It sounds like I need to fix the reverse DNS lookups.

I do note that running “hostname -f” from the command line DOES return the FQDN, by the way, even though “hostname” on its own does not.


Picking through the code it seems to be whatever


returns in Python.

side suggestion: why are you needing the hostname? could you just use the inventory name instead in whatever template etc. you’re having issues with?

I was able to use the inventory_hostname as a workaround in templates, but I’m not the only one here, and other people in the company are likely to continue to use the ansible_fqdn as it’s the widely-documented way to get the FQDN - and does work in some places.

I eventually tracked the problem with the reverse DNS lookups down, and it seems to have fixed the problem.

ansible_fqdn = host
facter_fqdn = host.domain

I use this last two years, it’s comfortable for me.

First it seems like it is dns issue- rDNS.
For troubleshooting get the ip address of host manually,
and try to run host ip, it should return something (fqdn, if it doesn’t go fix DNS entry)