Ansible FortiOS config backup to target node error

Hi all,

I am having issues with backing up a Forti64VM(Fortigate VM appliance) running FortiOS 5.6.2 in my environment via Ansible Tower.

The errors below:

Error message: { “msg”: “SSH Error: data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh”, “unreachable”: true, “changed”: false }

I’ve configured the playbook as below but I can’t seem to get it to write the config.

On Tower, I’ve set the credential option to that of the account/password in the YAML file for the firewall(read-only) access.

— - name: Hello hosts: tasks: - name: Backup current config fortios_config: username: username password: password backup: yes backup_path: /tmp

Why is Ansible attempting to write the config from the firewall back to itself? Should it not write to the Ansible machine?

Firewall logs show that the account is indeed logging in correctly when I run the template from Ansible.