Ansible fails to start services

Hello Ansible Group, i recently had problems while i try to launch any services via Ansible playbook.

I sent via Ansible these services to etc/systemd/system/ and /etc/systemd/system/


Description=Apache Zookeeper server (Kafka)

ExecStart=/home/borja/inventory/Innovery/zookeeper/bin/ start /home/borja/inventory/Innovery/zookeeper/config/
ExecStop=/home/borja/inventory/Innovery/zookeeper/bin/ stop



Description=Apache Kafka server (broker)

ExecStart=/home/borja/inventory/Innovery/Kafka/bin/ /home/borja/inventory/Innovery/Kafka/config/


The Kafka/Zookeeper installation procedure consists in decompress kafka .tar.gz file and zookeeper .tar.gz file.

Looks like it doesn’t work at all, the services never start via Ansible on the remote machine, but if i launch these services on the remote machine they work perfectly.
It is making me crazy! Any help?

Thanks, Ansible Group.

how are you starting the services and what comes up qhen you it with -vvvv ? a lot of services after a file change lile this require a daemon-reload

Jonathan Lozada De La Matta on mobile

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I tried sending an .sh file to the remote machine with the needed commands and launching it:

nohup bin/ config/ &
nohup bin/ config/ &

If i launch this .sh on the remote machine manually, it works but it doesn’t work if i do it via Ansible playbook with this task:
Anything that i try manually works perfectly.

- name: starting service via .sh
shell: /path/to/remoteserver/sh_location/

I tried using command module instead. Doesn’t work either.

When the service is on the remote server, i tried to launch with these tasks, they give the same output error (Connection Timed Out):
Before launching these tasks i have a daemon reload task, but doesn’t matter which task, the first one that references any service will give the same error.

So if i launch the daemon reload task first, it will fail. If i skip this reload, the next one will fail.

- name: starting service via Systemd module

name: zookeeper.service

no_block: yes
state: started

daemon_reload: yes

- name: starting services via service module

state: started

name: zookeeper.service

- name: starting service launching a raw command on the remote server

shell: ‘systemctl start zookeeper.service’

All these tasks where tested with kafka.service too.
(Kafka needs Zookeeper to be operative first)

Since i tried multiple times by different ways to get the same output error, i modified the timeout attribute inside ansible.cfg, increasing it from the default values.

This changes didn’t fix the problem.

I also tried to start the service via sh having this command in the .sh file: systemctl start zookeeper.service but this doesn’t get the job done.

The -vvvv option give this output:

fatal: []: FAILED! => {
“changed”: true,
“cmd”: “/home/borja/inventory/Innovery/Zookeeper/”,
“delta”: “0:00:25.044432”,
“end”: “2019-05-28 08:27:26.373093”,
“invocation”: {
“module_args”: {
“_raw_params”: “/home/borja/inventory/Innovery/Zookeeper/”,
“_uses_shell”: true,
“argv”: null,
“chdir”: null,
“creates”: null,
“executable”: null,
“removes”: null,
“stdin”: null,
“warn”: true
“msg”: “non-zero return code”,
“rc”: 1,
“start”: “2019-05-28 08:27:01.328661”,
“stderr”: “Failed to start zookeeper.service: Connection timed out\nSee system logs and ‘systemctl status zookeeper.service’ for details.”,
“stderr_lines”: [
“Failed to start zookeeper.service: Connection timed out”,
“See system logs and ‘systemctl status zookeeper.service’ for details.”
“stdout”: “”,
“stdout_lines”: []

Usually if things work manually but not via ansible it’s because ansible has a different set of environment variables.

Could that be it?