Ansible Facts and Dynamic Documentation

I put together a short video (<1 minute) that covers Ansible Facts (with a network automation focus) and then creating Dynamic Documentation around this. Here is the video:

You can find the source code online at GitHub - network-automation/toolkit: Ansible Content Collection for common network functions like dynamic documentation and I even created an interactive lab you can try out here

Would love any feedback / questions :slight_smile:


The “Tower Workshop”? … :thinking:

Also, it seems something went sideways because the instructions in the workshop don’t work


the startup script is not firing… will fix this today, thanks for letting me know @maxamillion

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THIS IS NOW FIXED! Thanks @maxamillion for letting me know there was an issue. Try it now and let me know if you see anything else. :raised_hands:


Looks good, thank you! The workshop is awesome! :slight_smile:

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