Ansible fact with dot, how to escape?


i’m trying to get the values of a fact with a dot.

For example this interface:

“ansible_bond0.247”: {
“active”: true,
“device”: “bond0.247”,

{{ ansible_bond0.247.device }}

doesn’t work, because ansible thinks that 247 is a subfact.

Any ideas how to do it?

Thanks :slight_smile:

{{ ansible_bond0.247.device }}

doesn't work, because ansible thinks that 247 is a subfact.

Use the longer (but less hinky) Python style specification:

  {{ ansible_bond0['bond0.247']['device'] }}

That also lets you differentiate between literals (like bond0.247) and
variables (e.g. if you had the interface name in a variable like
my_int_name, you could do ansible_bond0[my_int_name]['device'] and get the
right thing), if you ever need to do that.

                                      -Josh (

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