Hi I’m getting below error during sw upgrade of a server using Ansible. Remote machine is linux server. Note that the reboot is not initiated by Ansible. At the end of the sw upgrade the server reboot automatically (application initiated reboot). Can anybody help?
fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Shared connection to ****(server IP) closed.\r\n”, “unreachable”: true}
- hosts: remote_server
remote_user: ansible
become: yes
become_method: sudo
connection: ssh
gather_facts: yes
ansible_ssh_host: **** (host IP)
ansible_ssh_port: 22
- name: Install SW version xxx
- name: waiting for server to reboot
wait_for: host="{{ ansible_ssh_host | default(inventory_hostname) }}" port={{ ansible_ssh_port | default(22) }} search_regex=OpenSSH delay=60 timeout=300
connection: local
sudo: false
- shell: uptime
register: output
- debug: msg=" {{ output.stdout }} "
not seen any reboot command after
- name: Install SW version xxx
The host reboots as part of “Install SW version xxx”
Hi I'm getting below error during sw upgrade of a server using Ansible.
Remote machine is linux server. Note that the reboot is not initiated by
Ansible. At the end of the sw upgrade the server reboot automatically
(application initiated reboot). Can anybody help?
The best option is to check if it's possible to turn off automatic reboot and then do the reboot in Ansible.
If that's not possible this might be a gussing game.
fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed
to connect to the host via ssh: Shared connection to ****(server IP)
closed.\r\n", "unreachable": true}
- hosts: remote_server
remote_user: ansible
become: yes
become_method: sudo
connection: ssh
gather_facts: yes
ansible_ssh_host: **** (host IP)
ansible_ssh_port: 22
- name: Install SW version xxx
Check out fire and forget
poll must be 0 and async must be a value higher than the time it take to execute task "Install SW version xxx"
- name: waiting for server to reboot
wait_for: host="{{ ansible_ssh_host | default(inventory_hostname)
}}" port={{ ansible_ssh_port | default(22) }} search_regex=OpenSSH
delay=60 timeout=300
connection: local
sudo: false
I recommend using wait_for_connection because this one check if Ansible is able to run on remote before it goes to the next task.
But in either case the delay must be greater than the time to execute task "Install SW version xxx".
So timing is essential but if you get them right it should work.