Ansible Deploy quits on error

Whenever I try to deploy my app using ansible-playbook, it fails on start app since it says “ERROR (no such process)”.

Can’t understand why this is happening. Anyone know good docs on this stuff or know the answer?

Not a whole lot of info to go on here…

Maybe you could provide us with you playbook?

I’m guessing that error is coming from supervisorctl. How are you running supervisorctl? Using the provided module or some other way?

Sorry, here’s some more information:

Playbook: deploy.yml

Can I see the output so I can see the error at the point it occurs?

BTW, quick note – I should point out that you are still using $old variables

Variables should be using the Jinja2 style as denoted on, i.e. {{ variable }}

In 1.4.X, these emit deprecation warnings, and they will be no longer be supported in 1.6. (1.5 releases in less than a month, so 1.6 will follow in a couple more)

Sure here’s the output. And thanks, I’ll change the vars

PLAY [webservers] *************************************************************

GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************

ok: []

TASK: [ensure log directory] **************************************************

[DEPRECATION WARNING]: Legacy variable substitution, such as using ${foo} or

$foo instead of {{ foo }} is currently valid but will be phased out and has

been out of favor since version 1.2. This is the last of legacy features on our

deprecation list. You may continue to use this if you have specific needs for

now. This feature will be removed in version 1.6. Deprecation warnings can be

disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.

ok: []

TASK: [deploy code from repository] *******************************************

ok: []

TASK: [install dependencies into virtualenv] **********************************

ok: []

TASK: [create supervisor program config] **************************************

ok: []

TASK: [create nginx site config] **********************************************

ok: []

TASK: [link nginx config] *****************************************************

ok: []

TASK: [start app] *************************************************************

failed: [] => {“failed”: true}

msg: pile: ERROR (no such process)

FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************

to retry, use: --limit @/home/achumbley/deploy.retry : ok=7 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1