Ansible crontab special characters issue

i am using ansible cron module

i am facing an issue when placing a job in ansible

ansible escapes special characters

my example job is:

(((( /usr/bin/php /var/www/file.php )))) > /var/log/cron.stderr 2>&1; if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo CronRun @ Error; fi

i am unable to deploy exit status $? to the remote machine crontab. it converts special chars $? to

What to do please help


could you please paste your task and your ansible version as I’ve just tested with this task :

  • name: Install cron
    name: test issue
    minute: 0
    hour: 0
    user: root
    job: “(((( /usr/bin/php /var/www/file.php )))) > /var/log/cron.stderr 2>&1; if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo CronRun @ Error; fi”
    cron_file: “test_cron”

and Ansible version 2.7.0 and I have this as output

cat test_cron
#Ansible: test issue
0 0 * * * root (((( /usr/bin/php /var/www/file.php )))) > /var/log/cron.stderr 2>&1; if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo CronRun @ Error; fi



Thanks for your effor

i think my ansible version is previous its

Let me try and get back asap

I have tried with ansible version 2.7.1

Still same issue

i am constructing my command from nodejs backend

crontab_string += "(((( " + data.cron_details.job + " )))) > " + stderr + " 2>&1" ;
crontab_string += "; if [ $? -gt 0 ]" +
    "; then echo CronRun @ Error >> " + log_file +
    "; date >> " + log_file +
    "; cat " + stderr + " >> " + log_file +
    "; else echo CronRun @ Success >> "  + log_file +
    "; date >> " + log_file +
    "; fi";


fixed it by escaping if [ \$?\ -gt 0 ]

which results in if [ $? -gt 0]