Hi list,
I’m trying to use ansible-container to use a role that I have available via a gitlab installation that is run internally.
When I run the main.yml file as part of “ansible-container build” I get this error
ansible-container_1 | [WARNING]: - bb-master was NOT installed successfully: - command git
ansible-container_1 | clone https://server.company.com/dteam/ansible-role-bb-master.git
ansible-container_1 | bb failed in directory /tmp/tmpKnFSpZ (rc=128)
ansible-container_1 | ERROR! - you can use --ignore-errors to skip failed roles and finish processing the list.
my requirements.yml is this
- src: git+https://server.company.com/dteam/ansible-role-bb-master.git
name: bb-master
and my main.yml file just tries to make use of that role