So This code here should only run if {{ passphrase_length.results[0].stdout }} is != "0"
However it seems to ignore the comparison.
I have even tried:
when: passphrase_length.results[0].stdout|int != 0
No matter what I do it does not seem to behave as expected.
I have reached the point of desperation as this should work as coded, is there any strange trick required?
- name: Create empty Passphrase file
file: path="{{ ssl_client_dir }}/{{ item.first_name }}_{{ item.surname }}.password" state=touch owner=root group=root mode=0755
with_items: ssl_user_clients
- name: check passphrase
shell: "cat {{ ssl_client_dir }}/{{ item.first_name }}_{{ item.surname }}.password | grep '^[0-9a-zA-Z!@$%^&*()_?~+-=/\\].*' | wc -c"
with_items: ssl_user_clients
register: passphrase_length
ignore_errors: yes
- debug: msg="{{ passphrase_length.results[0].stdout }}"
- debug: var=passphrase_length
- name: Email Passphrase
action: mail host=localhost port=25 subject="trial password" body="your password is {{ generated_passphrase.stdout }}" from="" to={{ }} headers=Reply-To=""|X-Special="Something or other" charset=utf8
with_items: ssl_user_clients
register: pass_emailed
when: passphrase_length.results[0].stdout != "0"
- name: Email Certificate
action: mail host=localhost port=25 subject="Welcome to the Trial" body="{{ email_body }}" from="" to={{ }} attach="{{ ssl_client_dir }}/{{ item.first_name }}_{{ item.surname }}.p12 {{ ssl_certs_dir }}/ca.crt" headers=Reply-To=""|X-Special="Something or other" charset=utf8
with_items: ssl_user_clients
register: cert_emailed
when: passphrase_length.results[0].stdout != "0"
- name: Write password out
lineinfile: dest="{{ ssl_client_dir }}/{{ item.first_name }}_{{ item.surname }}.password" state=present line="{{ generated_passphrase.stdout }}"
with_items: ssl_user_clients
when: passphrase_length.results[0].stdout != "0"
The log of the run:
TASK: [clientcert | Create empty Passphrase file] *****************************
changed: [] => (item={'org_name': 'Acme Limited', 'first_name': 'road', 'surname': 'runner', 'locality': 'desert', 'country': 'Cartoonland', 'state': 'neverneverland', 'email': 'road.runner@acme.Cartoonland'})
TASK: [clientcert | check passphrase] *****************************************
changed: [] => (item={'org_name': 'Acme Limited', 'first_name': 'road', 'surname': 'runner', 'locality': 'desert', 'country': 'Cartoonland', 'state': 'neverneverland', 'email': 'road.runner@acme.Cartoonland'})
TASK: [clientcert | debug msg="{{ passphrase_length.results[0].stdout }}"] ****
ok: [] => {
"msg": "51"
TASK: [clientcert | debug var=passphrase_length] ******************************
ok: [] => {
"var": {
"passphrase_length": {
"changed": true,
"msg": "All items completed",
"results": [
"changed": true,
"cmd": "cat /etc/ssl/acme/clients/road_runner.password | grep '^[0-9a-zA-Z!@$%^&*()_?~+-=/\\].*' | wc -c",
"delta": "0:00:00.011639",
"end": "2015-04-29 10:04:39.908388",
"invocation": {
"module_args": "cat /etc/ssl/acme/clients/road_runner.password | grep '^[0-9a-zA-Z!@$%^&*()_?~+-=/\\].*' | wc -c",
"module_name": "shell"
"item": {
"country": "Cartoonland",
"email": "road.runner@acme.Cartoonland",
"first_name": "road",
"locality": "desert",
"org_name": "Acme Limited",
"state": "neverneverland",
"surname": "runner"
"rc": 0,
"start": "2015-04-29 10:04:39.896749",
"stderr": "",
"stdout": "51",
"stdout_lines": [
TASK: [clientcert | Email Passphrase] *****************************************
ok: [] => (item={'org_name': 'Acme Limited', 'first_name': 'road', 'surname': 'runner', 'locality': 'desert', 'country': 'Cartoonland', 'state': 'neverneverland', 'email': 'road.runner@acme.Cartoonland'})
TASK: [clientcert | Email Certificate] ****************************************
ok: [] => (item={'org_name': 'Acme Limited', 'first_name': 'road', 'surname': 'runner', 'locality': 'desert', 'country': 'Cartoonland', 'state': 'neverneverland', 'email': 'road.runner@acme.Cartoonland'})
TASK: [clientcert | Write password out] ***************************************
changed: [] => (item={'org_name': 'Acme Limited', 'first_name': 'road', 'surname': 'runner', 'locality': 'desert', 'country': 'Cartoonland', 'state': 'neverneverland', 'email': 'road.runner@acme.Cartoonland'})