Hi everyone,
I believe in developing software out in the open, so I've pushed what
is an early start to Ansible-Commander.
For those that were not around several months ago, the idea is
Ansible-Commander is a REST API, database logging system, and
background execution system -- with a CLI and UI client -- for
Ansible. It's a big deal. It will make ansible easer to use for
some, more accessible for teams, and easier to analyze statistics and
get reports out of it. If you are familiar with any enterprise
management software it won't be that foreign -- it should in fact be
rather obvious. It's just something I needed a company to enable me
the time to do properly!
When I last started commander several months ago (6?) I was still
developing Ansible as a side project and was doing some things for
"fun", and was exploring some NoSQL options, micro frameworks, and
other things like that. Ansible-Commander is more conservative now,
and this actually lets us develop it faster. It's based on Django,
tastypie (a great Django REST library), South (for migrations) and
Celery (for a task engine). Our goal here is to keep it super super
easy to work on (hopefully like Ansible, if not more so).
For developers who wish to dive in, you will see some early things.
- There's a start of a database schema.
- Tastypie and South are integrated and there are makefiles for
launching common tasks.
- There's a basic Ansible-playbook for bootstrapping the codebase.
- There is the start of a Python CLI client (very early) using
Requests that demonstrates POSTs to the REST layer using Basic Auth.
- Django admin is integrated so you can go to http://whatever/admin
and update objects.
Now, I don't really recommend anyone use this yet -- it doesn't really
do much yet that anyone would want, authentication is not wired up,
there is no corresponding inventory or logging plugin or way to spawn
a job yet. It's super early -- so I'm not even really even taking
tickets and pull requests yet. All these things are coming, and
you'll be able to watch.
However, I wanted everybody to see what was there, in case they wanted
to get familiar with things, and I'll post updates every week or so as
we start to get things more evolved.
Commander development starts here! Let me know if you have questions.