Is there a way to get the command line used to invoke ansible from a playbook/role.
After the playbook is completed I’d like to send a notification (Email, Hipchat, etc) to a group with the details of what was run and how it went.
Is there a way to get the command line used to invoke ansible from a playbook/role.
After the playbook is completed I’d like to send a notification (Email, Hipchat, etc) to a group with the details of what was run and how it went.
no, nothing currently exposes this information.
You can achieve this with a callback plugin.
You have a few options, you can get the actual command via some callback that looks like:
Otherwise, you can infer provided command line options by using something like what I have done in a slack callback plugin that we use:
That slack callback is in a PR available at:
That was exactly what I was looking for.