Ansible Cloud Module

I am trying to create a role for aws vpc creation. one of the task is to create an elastic ip address and associate that ip address to nat gateway instance. if i run multiple times playbook it is recreating elastic ip but i would like to find a viable solution to make it idempotent. Please can you let me know if any solution. I appreciate your feeedback.

ec2_eip and ec2_vpc_nat_gateway modules is been used.

Sample code:

  • name: Create elastic ip for NAT Gateway
    region: “{{ region }}”
    state: “present”
    register: ec2_eip

  • name: Create NAT Gateway
    state: “present”
    if_exist_do_not_create: “true”
    allocation_id: “{{ ec2_eip.allocation_id }}”
    region: “{{ region }}”

Thanks in Advance