ansible.cfg env variables

I’m just learning today somethings about ansible

We will be automating the install of some open source xml db software.

I have set up a ansible.cfg and a small bash script that just calls ansible with some arguments

It all works and talks to a ec2 instance

Now I want to use env vars in the ansible.cfg file

this does not work nor does various variations

I have checked and home is defined

if I hard code the path it works

thanks in advance.

Eric Palmer

U of Richmond

Eric Palmer wrote:

this does not work nor does various variations



[that is a single URL which may wrap in mail]


If you want to use local env variables, it's like this

some_var: $ENV('HOME')

Your config management should not rely on remote environment variables
for paths. You can of course use ~/ and such.

On this topic:

If I want to append to (but not overwrite) the ANSIBLE_LIBRARY path in the config file, how can I do that? For example, assume that I have a directory relative to ansible.cfg called acme-custom-modules, I’d like to do the equivalent of:

library = $ANSIBLE_LIBRARY:./acme-custom-modules

(Or does just work?)


Don't think so :slight_smile:

I'd recommend just using the environment variable if you want that
kind of behavior.

Actually, you sure can! this syntax in the ansible.cfg file works just fine:
library = /usr/share/ansible:/home/me/cm/ansible/modules

if you notice the default value for remote_tmp, you see that system variables can be used too:

remote_tmp = $HOME/.ansible/tmp
