ansible.builtin.apt - Updating all installed packages to latest gives "parameters are mutually exclusive deb|package|upgrade

The following ansible block:

  • name: Block update APT hosts

  • name: main - Update APT repo and cache
    update_cache: true
    force_apt_get: true
    cache_valid_time: 3600 # 1 Hour

  • name: main - Update APT hosts
    upgrade: dist
    force_apt_get: true
    register: apt_return

  • name: main - Display APT log
    var: apt_return.stdout_lines
    when: apt_return.stdout_lines is defined

  • name: main - Check if reboot is needed
    path: /var/run/reboot-required
    get_md5: false
    register: reboot_required_file

  • name: main - Reboot APT host
    msg: “Reboot initiated by Ansible due to kernel updates”
    connect_timeout: 5
    reboot_timeout: 300
    pre_reboot_delay: 0
    post_reboot_delay: 30
    test_command: uptime
    when: reboot_required_file.stat.exists
    when: ansible_pkg_mgr == “apt”
    become: true

TASK [update_software : main - update APT hosts] *******************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “parameters are mutually exclusive: deb|package|upgrade”}

Ansible version: 2.2.12
Python version: 3.10.3
Ansible Controller: Fedora 36 (same issue occurs on Fedora 35)
Ansible target: Ubuntu 18.04.5 (Bionic Beaver)
Ansible target: python 3…6.9

The following ansible block:
- name: Block update APT hosts
- name: main - Update APT repo and cache
update_cache: true
force_apt_get: true
cache_valid_time: 3600 # 1 Hour

 \- name: main \- Update APT hosts
     upgrade: dist
     force\_apt\_get: true
   register: apt\_return

 \- name: main \- Display APT log
     var: apt\_return\.stdout\_lines
   when: apt\_return\.stdout\_lines is defined

 \- name: main \- Check if reboot is needed
     path: /var/run/reboot\-required
     get\_md5: false
   register: reboot\_required\_file

 \- name: main \- Reboot APT host
     msg: "Reboot initiated by Ansible due to kernel updates"
     connect\_timeout: 5
     reboot\_timeout: 300
     pre\_reboot\_delay: 0
     post\_reboot\_delay: 30
     test\_command: uptime
   when: reboot\_required\_file\.stat\.exists

when: ansible_pkg_mgr == "apt"
become: true

TASK [update_software : main - update APT hosts] *******************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "parameters are mutually exclusive: deb|package|upgrade"}

Ansible version: 2.2.12
Python version: 3.10.3
Ansible Controller: Fedora 36 (same issue occurs on Fedora 35)
Ansible target: Ubuntu 18.04.5 (Bionic Beaver)
Ansible target: python 3..6.9

Try with a recent version of Ansible.


I found the issue.

I inadvertently pointed my IDE to a version of the source not located on the ansible controller node. Thus a mismatch between what I was viewing/editing and what was editing.

Operator error. :frowning:

Sorry for the noise.