TL;DR; I came up on a Google search and I don’t want to mislead anyone.
I just noticed that my repo I came up for a Google search of “ansible best practices”
(To those of you who tried to search that, please click on Ansible Work’s Best Practices page, because they should be hired ranked than me IMHO!)
I brought it up to date with my current use of Roles in 1.2, but I wanted to ask if we would want to
include this kind of boilerplate repo structure in Ansible’s examples repository or start
a new repo for it, also under ansible group.
I created it so I would have an easy starting place when starting a new repo for playbooks.
I don’t really know if it has been useful for others, or if I just happened to come up in searches.
But I know when I started using Ansible I looked a lot at how sfromm and jpmens setup their Ansible repos,
even when we didn’t really have a ‘best practices’ page around.
Thanks for reading,
Fletcher Davis