I have been setting up my environment to match the best practices provided here: – However, I am running into some issues with how variables are being
- The system administrator user/group defined in group_vars/all.yml will be created on BOTH hosts
- The oracle dba user/group defined in group_vars/oracle.yml will be created on the oracle box ONLY
What I Am Seeing:
- The ‘jeff5’ user (system adminstrator) and AIXAdmin group are being created on the lx00011010d box ONLY (the expectation is that it would be created on both)
- The oracle/DBA users are being created on lx00016141d, which is NOT the oracle box (expectation is that these would get created on lx00011010d only)
Code and output below:
[jeff@lx00010300p ansible-help]$ tree
– ansible.cfg
– common.yml
– group_vars– all.yml
-- oracle.yml -- inventory -- oracle
– other
– oracle.yml
– roles
-- ansible-users -- defaults
– main.yml
-- tasks
– main.yml
`-- site.yml
[jeff@lx00010300p ansible-help]$ cat site.yml common.yml oracle.yml