Ansible become-success command is logging variables


I have a small play that runs in a remote server as a user X, during the become process, Ansible seems to invoke a remote command ( that gets logged in the remote machine syslog. If the task for this play contains an environment variable, like PASSWORD for example, it will also be included in such log. Syslog is owned by root and not world-readable, but still I would like to be prevented. Is there a way to tell Ansible to include that environment variable inside the

Example play:

- hosts: dms
  gather_facts: no
  become: true
  become_user: remote_user
    - name: Test command
      shell: echo hello
        PASSWORD: "supersecretpassword"

The logging observed on the syslog file (/var/log/messages):

Oct 12 15:13:39 remote-host sudo:   myuser : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/myuser ; USER=remote_user ; COMMAND=/bin/bash -c echo BECOME-SUCCESS-gethoacihsravpsppeeepnhdcqkzgrpt; PASSWORD=supersecretpassword /usr/bin/python /tmp/ansible-tmp-1507821212.27-201142262398347/
Oct 12 15:13:39 remote-host ansible-command: Invoked with warn=True executable=None _uses_shell=True _raw_params=echo hello removes=None creates=None chdir=None stdin=None


No, you CAN use the shell module instead and define the var inline:

- shell: PASSWORD=xxx /run/stuff

Another option is to 'silence' that command via `no_log: True` or even
globally avoid logging on target via the 'no_target_syslog' setting.

Hey Brian,

Unfortunately, “no_target_syslog” didn’t make any difference, I am still seeing the become-success message on the syslog, however the other ansible-command line has gone, although that one didn’t contain the password. The same behaviour was observed with no_log.

Moving the variable to be inline solves the issue partially as now the task output shows it.

Is there anything else I can try out?


Ah, sorry, I forgot that running sudo itself produces log entries
over which Ansible has no control. My previous email just lets you
turn off the ones Ansible creates directly.