Need help on setting up authentication between ansible and windows by using GoDaddy certificates or any third party instead of Openssl or SelfSigned certificate.
I have tried many ways but its not working. i was able to import certificate to windows but when I was trying to map certificate with local user its not able to find thumbprint of imported certificate. so please someone help me to resolve this.
earlier i have tried with basic and openssl certificate auth and it was working.
WinRM certificate auth require certain extensions and authentication methods to be enabled, you can’t just use a server authentication certificate that you would use for a website for this. We even document how to create these certs using PowerShell or OpenSSL Essentially you need a certificate that is enabled for clientAuth ( and then a subjectAltName with a specific text value that specifies your user name.
Thanks for the reply and information. i have one question, can we use openssl CA for this purpose? and do you have any steps on how to create Openssl CA certificate?