any clues what is a workaround for the syntax issue below? This variable is defined in a group among other variables. My playbook won’t run because of this error. I may have to escape the =… I m hoping to keep the string as human friendly as possible though. I am using quote so I can replace the password with a shared password variable.
here is the variable definition:
db_connectionstring: “User ID=myuser;Initial Catalog=mycatalog;Data Source=db\instance;persist security info=True;password=mypass;Pooling=True”
The error
2020-02-25T14:01:13.6121920Z ##[error]ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.
2020-02-25T14:01:13.6122859Z did not find expected key
2020-02-25T14:01:13.6123401Z The error appears to be in ‘/var/lib/rundeck/ansible/inventories/vin_qa01/group_vars/all/vars.yml’: line 66, column 42, but may
2020-02-25T14:01:13.6123829Z be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
2020-02-25T14:01:13.6124275Z The offending line appears to be:
2020-02-25T14:01:13.6124871Z db_connectionstring_contentuser: “User ID=myuser;Initial Catalog=mycatalog;Data Source=db\instance;persist security info=True;password=mypass;Pooling=True”
2020-02-25T14:01:13.6125323Z ^ here
2020-02-25T14:01:13.6125847Z There appears to be both ‘k=v’ shorthand syntax and YAML in this task. Only one syntax may be used.
2020-02-25T14:01:13.6126232Z This one looks easy to fix. It seems that there is a value started
2020-02-25T14:01:13.6126600Z with a quote, and the YAML parser is expecting to see the line ended
2020-02-25T14:01:13.6126925Z with the same kind of quote. For instance:
2020-02-25T14:01:13.6127359Z when: “ok” in result.stdout
any guidance vm appreciated!