Ansible and Adtran switches

I am looking to connect to Adtran AOS switches using my Ansible controller through ansible ad-hoc. It looks like the initial SSH connection is working, but it immediately logs off after connection is established. However, when I run the same code with a Cisco IOS I have no issues.

Does Ansible support Adtran devices?
Is there another argument that I have to add on to the Ad-hoc command to connect specifically to Adtran switches?

Ad-hoc code:

[root@netlinux01 ansible]$ ansible switchXYZ -m raw -a “show run” -u username -k
SSH password:
switchXYZ | UNREACHABLE! => {
“changed”: false,
“msg”: “Failed to connect to the host via ssh: User Access Verification \r\n\r\nShared connection to 172.xx.xx.xx closed.”,
“unreachable”: true