How to I do something similar in a ansible inside a task, for e.g
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: False
- name: epcrange
prompt: Enter the number of EPCs that you want to configure
private: False
default: "1"
- name: serverrange
prompt: Enter the number of Cleints that you want to configure
private: False
defualt: "1"
- name: ServerIPRange
prompt: Enter the ServerIP range
private: False
default: '128'
- name: LastIPOctet
prompt: Enter The last Octet of the IP you just entered
private: False
default: '10'
- name: Set some facts
ServerIP1: "{{ServerIP}}"
ServerIPRange1: "{{ServerIPRange}}"
IPOctet: "{{LastIPOctet}}"
- name: local action math
local_action: shell {{IPOctet}}=$(echo "${{ServerIPRange}}/${{epcrange}}+${{IPOctet}}" | bc) # Proper Syntax?
with_sequence: start=1 end=4
register: result
ignore_errors: yes
What is the proper syntax for this command? Maybe using shell echo “…” . I just need to save the contents of this command into the IPOctet variable and IPOctet will change with each loop iteration and the results should be stored in my result register
P.S: how can I access the individual items in the array sepearately?
- name: bashless math
IPOctet: "{{ 4*(ServerIPRange/epcrange)+IPOctet }}"
will do something approaching what you want.
If you want to get the actual shell-out working, something like this
is going to be enlightening:
- name: local action math
local_action: shell echo "{{ServerIPRange}}/{{epcrange}}+{{IPOctet}}" | bc
with_sequence: start=1 end=4
register: result
- debug: var=result
"debug: var=result" will dump a pretty-printed JSON structure, so
you'll know what's available, and what you can use. You should try it
with & without the with_sequence.
The shell command only does the calculation once and stores the same value in each loop iteration. I want it to run the command by using the last calculated value, which is supposedly not happening for me. Can the jinj2 sum or replace filters be of any help ?
as you can see IPOctet is added to $ServerIPRange/$epcrange and the result is SAVED in IPOctet
In each loop IPOctet is is say incremented by “x” and the result is saved in IPOctet again
What happens:
The loop runs the number of times but saves the same value in each loop iteration.
IPOctet= 5 + 16/2 = 13
In the next iteration the result should be
IPOctet= 13 + 8 = 21 //But what happens is that IPOctet stays constant at “13”
In the third iteration the result should be
IPOctet= 21 + 8 = 29 //IPOctet is doesn’t change, reamins 13 and will remain 13 no matter how many iterations of the loop are run
I hope I have got my point across. Now any suggestions on the solution ?
I posted that code piece of code for explanation purposes only, loop iteration i.e. the stop value is not fixed and will vary each time depending on user input (it is taken from the user at run time using vars_prompt)
Please can you tell me how to do x=x+y with x=10(will change with each loop iteration) and y=5 (remains constant), inside a loop that runs ten any number of time
Isn’t what you are doing mathematically equivalent to:
z = x + (y * iterations)
In which case, why do you need to store each result? Why not just run the task where you want to use this value using with_sequence, and use this formula directly?
I posted that code piece of code for explanation purposes only, loop iteration i.e. the stop value is not fixed and will vary each time depending on user input (it is taken from the user at run time using vars_prompt)
Please can you tell me how to do x=x+y with x=10(will change with each loop iteration) and y=5 (remains constant), inside a loop that runs ten any number of time
That decomposes the same way!
In any case, the yaml/jinja2 layer is generally the wrong layer to do logic in if your logic is going to get complicated. If you write a module, you can do anything python can do.