Ansible : Add multiple security group on ec2

I have one ec2 instance(instance_A), and I have to create one more new ec2 instance(instance_B) using instance_A ec2_fact.

to get facts of ec2 I am using the ec2_instance_facts module.on instance_A have multiple security groups which I want to add on instance_B on creation time.

I am not able to figure it out how to add all security group of instance_A to instance_B

Can you help me with this problem?

here is ec2_facts result.

"public_dns_name": "",
            "public_ip_address": "18.XX.XX.XX",
            "root_device_name": "/dev/sda1",
            "root_device_type": "ebs",
            "security_groups": [
                    "group_id": "sg-4e3bb823",
                    "group_name": "ws-services"
                    "group_id": "sg-4e3bb824",
                    "group_name": "dbs-services"
                    "group_id": "sg-4e3bb825",
                    "group_name": "dbs-services"
                    "group_id": "sg-1834b775",
                    "group_name": "dcs-services"
                    "group_id": "sg-4e3bb823",
                    "group_name": "app-services"
                    "group_id": "sg-4e3bb823",
                    "group_name": "prod-services"
            "source_dest_check": true,
            "state": {
                "code": 16,
                "name": "running"
            "state_transition_reason": "",