[Ansible 2.4] include_tasks and import_tasks picking the first specified file in a ternary condition


I was trying out a few sample playbooks to understand the difference between static n dynamic imports, and i am stuck at a point where i am not sure what am i doing wrong.



docker1 ansible_host=




- hosts: docker
    - include_tasks: "{{ condition | ternary ('docker1.yaml',
'docker2.yaml') }}"

- hosts: docker
    - import_tasks: "{{ condition | ternary ('docker1.yaml',
'docker2.yaml') }}"

(docker1.yaml prints "msg": "Tasks 1 Host 1" and docker2.yaml prints "msg":
"Tasks 2 Host 2")

No matter how i execute this, it always includes/import docker1.yaml

<snip />

[root@8a98ab1d7dea include]# ansible-playbook -i hosts.info
include_with_vars.yaml -e condition=false

Here condition is a string and not a bool so you need

{{ condition | bool | ternary ......

When supplying extra vars on the command line using key=value syntax, the value will always be a string. In python (and jinja2) any string with non-zero length is always truthy. So the strings “true” and “false” are both truthy.

You have a few options:


-e ‘{“condition”: true}’

Use the |bool filter:

“{{ condition | bool | ternary (‘docker1.yaml’, ‘docker2.yaml’) }}”

I’d recommend including the |bool filter regardless, as that is going to ensure things are processed as you expect.

Thanks a lot Kai and Matt,

I was looking for the problem in entirely different area.