Ansible 2.3.2 FINAL has been released!

Hi all, we are happy to announce that Ansible 2.3.2 has been released (sorry for the delay in announcing this, as some of you may have noticed that we released this on Friday).

The ful list of changes for this release can be found here:

As always, this update is available via PyPi and now, and packages for distros will be available as soon as possible.

If you discover any errors, or if you see any regressions from playbooks which work on 1.9.x and prior, please open a Github issue and be sure to mention the version of Ansible you’re running.

Thanks, and enjoy!

James Cammarata

Ansible Lead/Sr. Principal Software Engineer

Ansible by Red Hat

twitter: @thejimic, github: jimi-c

Hi, Good job! Any ETA on 2.4? Specifically we really need to start using the ec2_instance_facts module (ec2_remote_facts before) but I don’t seem to be able to use it with 2.3. It is missing and if I add it manually it throws errors. Is there any way to add this module before you release 2.4?

Thank you,

You can find the roadmap here