Ansible 2.0 not on EPEL yet


Having received the announcement email that version 2.0 is out, I’m now trying to update my version of ansible on Centos 6 and it appears that the version in EPEL is still 1.9. Here’s the relevant page on RepoView:

Am I going about this the wrong way?




it is in a epel-testing for now: yum install ansible --enablerepo=epel-testing for one time install.

Hi all!
David, when will be ansible2 stable release and available in epel-stable?

Hi George, ansible 2.0 is already stable. It is not in epel-stable due to epel longer testing to stable transitions (not a bad think actually).

You can use it from testing without problem now.


Dne 18. 1. 2016 16:49 napsal uživatel “George Khan” <>:

Yes, i know that i can build rpm oneself from git, but i want install it from repo :slight_smile:
Anyway, i understood you, David. Well, we’ll wait for epel :slight_smile:
Thank you!

Hi George, I thougth: you can install it directly from epel-testing: yum install ansible --enablerepo=epel-testing


Great. That’s very helpful. Thank you