I know this has been a bug in the recent past, but I’m running into this with Ansible 1.9.4 on FreeBSD.
- name: update loader.conf
lineinfile: dest={{ item.dest }} regexp={{ item.regexp }} line={{ item.line}} state={{ item.state }} backup={{ item.backup }} create={{ item.create }}
with_items: - { dest: “/boot/loader.conf”, regexp: “^vmm_load”, line: “vmm_load="YES"”, state: “present”, backup: “no”, create: “yes” }
Obviously I’m wanting the result to be:
However the actual result is:
I do see that the following does work as expected (note removed quotes):
- name: update loader.conf
lineinfile: dest={{ item.dest }} regexp={{ item.regexp }} line={{ item.line}} state={{ item.state }} backup={{ item.backup }} create={{ item.create }}
with_items: - { dest: “/boot/loader.conf”, regexp: “^vmm_load”, line: vmm_load="YES", state: “present”, backup: “no”, create: “yes” }
Am I incorrectly placing double quotes around everything in my dict, or is ansible failing to handle yaml like it should?