TASK: [docker-base | debug msg="{{ docker_build.stdout }}"] *******
fatal: [] => A variable inserted a new parameter into the module args. Be sure to quote variables if they contain equal signs (for example: "{{var}}").
FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
I’ve only been able to get this to work as - debug: var=docker_build.stdout, however, this does not print STDOUT, but rather shows the var contents, including ‘\n’ chars in a really long string.
Any thoughts on how I can get this sorted?
Any suggestions on getting these images built as an async. job as well?
Thanks, yeah I tried this but as you guessed, the output is received as string, but I want that string to be echoed into my terminal’s tty.
I’ve now switched to building the image using docker-py and Ansible’s docker module,
name: Build base image
docker_image: path=“{{docker_yard_dir}}/base” name="{{docker_image_namespace}}/trusty-base"state=present
register: docker_build
Any advice on how I can get the stdout info here, would it still be a case of accessing docker_build.stdout?
Also, what about running this as an async job (which I did); is there away to get an async job to trigger (say via notify) a completion message? I don’t mind if it’s via email or using one of the push services Ansible can hook into.