Ansible 1.6.9-10 line break issue

Hello, I have a bunch of plabyooks with tasks that look like this:

  • name: xdebug | set ini
    template: >

  • name: xdebug | add xdebug cli
    template: >
    dest={{ path_php_xdebug }}

However, the destination filename ends up with:

-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 143 Aug 5 23:10 apc.ini?

-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 143 Aug 5 23:10 xdebug-options.ini?

It adds the question mark due to including the line break in the filename. Previously all these tasks used to work. I believe I have other issues due to the tasks being structured this way. Is this a breaking change?

According to the code format guide, it suggested that long tasks be broken into multiple lines like this for better readability. It would be a pain to have a one-liner for every task.

Should this be reported as a bug since its a regression of behavior?

Hi Patrick,

We’ve already had reports of these actually (very very recently) and fixed them and added tests to cover these cases.

We’re dropping Ansible 1.7 really really soon (this week) and these will be included as fixes.

Stay tuned or feel free to test against the devel branch now if you like.

Thank you!
