I have a playbook with the following:
- “vars/{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }}.yml”
… that works fine in 1.5.3, but 1.5.4 doesn’t appear to be able to find it; when one of the variables that should have been imported is referenced, it throws a ‘foo is undefined’ error.
I can provide a minimal reproduction if it’d be helpful.
This issue was reported the other day and has been fixed in the devel branch:
You can grab that patch for now if you’d like (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/commit/9c6dd9f79c6fbed3346b951fc280f30cb6d676ae), which will be included in the next release.
It’s not variables, rather, just facts.
But yes, fixed on the development branch.
We do not plan for a 1.5.4 update release at this time seeing 1.6 is due for towards the end of the month. This may change, but I’m thinking probably it will not, since there’s a workaround posted in the ticket link above.
I’ll just stick on 1.5.3 until 1.6.