Ansible 1.4 - names of NIC aliases


I’ve found that names of NIC aliases returned by setup module has changed in ansible 1.4:

$ ansible --version
ansible 1.3.2

$ ansible foo -m setup | grep snat
“ansible_bond0:snat”: {

$ ansible --version
ansible 1.4 (release1.4.0 2a58c2bbe3) last updated 2013/11/25 10:56:50 (GMT +200)

$ ansible foo -m setup | grep snat
“ansible_bond0_snat”: {

Is that desired behavior (and documented anywhere)?


Yes, it’s intended behavior.

A “:” is not valid in a Jinja2 variable name.

No, it’s not documented, because it was broken before, unless you went through hostvars you couldn’t get at it – which means most people wouldn’t know how to get at it.

Ok. Thanks for answer.

W dniu poniedziałek, 25 listopada 2013 17:11:01 UTC+1 użytkownik Tomasz Leśniewski napisał: