Ansible 0.8 error on Centos5 "TypeError: connect() got an unexpected keyword argument 'transport'"

Hi all,
I feel like I must be doing something wrong here, but I just pulled
0.8 from github and am running into the following error in the
"GATHERING FACTS" phase. My server system is Centos 5.6 (and was
working fine with ansible 0.7 prior to my update). Can anyone point
me towards what might be going wrong here?


[17:01]walutil1 /ansible/ansible# cat VERSION
[17:01]walutil1 /ansible/ansible# . hacking/env-setup
Reminder: specify your host file with -i
[17:01]walutil1 /ansible/ansible# cat /ansible/conf/test/test2

It is finding old modules from another install.

-- Michael

It is finding old modules from another install.

Thanks Michael... I must have gotten something wrong merging. I've
done clean checkout and re-merged with the couple local changes i have
and all is well.

thanks again,

It is finding old modules from another install.

Thanks Michael... I must have gotten something wrong merging. I've
done clean checkout and re-merged with the couple local changes i have
and all is well.

One last update here as maybe it will help someone in the future who
gets a similar error and finds this thread... turns out the problem
wasn't my merge, it was old .pyc's hanging around. I reproduced the
problem at another site just now and a "find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm
{} \;" fixed it.
