another python API question


Triggered by a previous poster, I sometimes need to access specific host vars from python but don’t know how.
An example deployment would consist of a directory like this:

(venv) dvs@GA0267 deploy1$ tree


├── ansible.cfg

├── inventory.ini

├── playbooks

│ ├── borg.yml

│ ├── cache.yml

│ ├── esxi.yml

│ ├── group_vars

│ │ ├── all

│ │ │ ├── ca_certs.yml

│ │ │ ├── main.yml

│ │ │ ├── pubkeys.yml

│ │ │ └── vaulted_vars.yml

│ │ ├── piholes

│ │ │ └── vault.yml

│ │ └── villas

│ │ ├── main.yml

│ │ └── vaulted_vars.yml

│ ├── host_vars

│ │ └── villa

│ │ ├── main.yml

│ │ └── vault.yml

│ ├── nagios.yml

│ ├── pihole.yml

│ ├── sshd.yml

│ └── villa.yml


├── requirements.txt

└── vault

When I want to access a specific variable, I use shell kludges like:

(venv) dvs@GA0267 deploy1$ ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=json ansible --playbook-dir playbooks pihole-4a -m debug -a var=smtp_relay_password | sed ‘1s/^.*$/{/’ | jq -r .smtp_relay_password

I tried with Templar but couldn’t glue it together.

What would be the simplest way to fetch a variable like this from a python script?
