Announcing AWX 24.5.0 and AWX-Operator 2.18.0

We’re happy to announce that the latest release of AWX, version 24.5.0 is now available!
Some notable features include:

  • Added check_instance_ready to management commands (PR #15238)
  • Added centralized logging via OpenTelemetry (OTel) (PR #15199)
  • Added AWS SNS notification support for webhooks (PR #15184)

In addition AWX Operator version 2.18.0 has also been released!
Some notable features include:

  • Added extra_settings_files for AWX CR that allows users to add extra settings through python (*.py) files from ConfigMaps or Secrets (PR #1836)
  • Added the ability for the operator to create horizontal pod autoscaling resources for the web and task deployments (PR #1676)

Please see the releases pages for more details:
AWX: Release 24.5.0 · ansible/awx · GitHub
Operator: Release 2.18.0 · ansible/awx-operator · GitHub

–AWX Team


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